Damian Milton in Inverness
“You look pretty normal to me”: explanations of autistic difference
A talk by Damian Milton MA, PGCert, BA (Hons), Dip (conv), PGCE, Mifl, MBPsS.
Tuesday 2nd October 2012.
ARGH, in partnership with NHS Highland were delighted to welcome Damian Milton, Damian was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum three years ago, following his son’s diagnosis of autism and severe learning difficulties. Damian is a doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham, where he is also on the steering group for the Autism Centre for Educational Research. Damian also sits on the programme board of the Autism Education Trust, is an online ‘community champion’ for the ‘Talk about Autism’ website forum, and is in the process of helping to set up a study group within the British Sociological Association regarding research into autism. Damian’s academic background is in Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy , Education, and Autism Studies, and has spent many years lecturing in both further and higher education, and has presented at a number of conferences.
Below you can listen to Damian’s talk. Once again ARGH would like to take this opportunity to thank Inshes Church for providing an excellent venue and a big thank you to Kate for her technical help and support.